The Lab Philosophy

Artists are emerging as authors and entrepreneurs in a variety of new markets and media. Methods such as print-on-demand book, the wave of self-publication, prototyping, high-end output devices and laser-cutters intersect with new creative directions. Bodyware imagery, instructional and socially inspired projects, web-based critique, archives, games, animation, and literary works are a few of the directions being taken to create content and express ideas.



Wednesday, September 29

WEEK 6 - Fall 2010

Presentation : Jaime Zollars

We started the day with a short video Mika wanted to show, then I showed The Handy Book of Artistic Printing, a Collection of Letterpress examples with Specimens of Type, Ornament, Corner FIlls, Borders Twisters, Wrinkles, and other Freaks of Fancy by Douglas Clouse and Angela Voulangas before doing a quick critique of everyone's project. Generally all in good shape, some behind.

Our guest today was Jaime Zollars who talked to the class about online marketing, DIY festivals/events, resources for making prints, shirts and card and much, much more. Jaime brought in a collection of shirts, wrapping paper, cards, and prints. She shared her enormous wealth of information and offered to answer more questions if you contact her. Her hand-outs will be posted here within the next week. To read more about Jaime, go to this interview in Communication Arts.

Please make sure you get on schedule! Midterm is in 2 weeks! Only 10 wks til ArtMarket!

REMEMBER to register for ArtMarket on Oct1

HOMEWORK : Bring in 8.5x11" paper for the letterpress demo in WEEK 7. Arrive in class to have attendance taken at 9am with Kyle Van Horn, who will be doing the letterpress demo with you in the Printmaking Dept. Try colored and white paper and different paper weights.

Keep working on your project!! 

WEEK 8 is Midterm Crits. Come to class with ALL you prep work, comps, samples, storyboards, prototypes, etc. Organize them well and be ready for an individual review. 

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