The Lab Philosophy

Artists are emerging as authors and entrepreneurs in a variety of new markets and media. Methods such as print-on-demand book, the wave of self-publication, prototyping, high-end output devices and laser-cutters intersect with new creative directions. Bodyware imagery, instructional and socially inspired projects, web-based critique, archives, games, animation, and literary works are a few of the directions being taken to create content and express ideas.



Monday, August 31

WHAT WILL YOU MAKE? Take a look at some of the past projects done for The Lab! More will be posted in days to come, but for now, enjoy these three books:

ELIZABETH GRAEBER'S "Second Monday at Noon" Recipe Book:

SIMONE THORNTON'S Sketchbook Anthology with screenprinted stickers:

HALI MALTSBERGER "Sleep" Book with accompanying CD:


During the semester we will visit small creative businesses including SQUIDFIRE, ATOMIC POP and DOUBLE DUTCH. They will give you insights into their beginnings and backstories. They'll also give you valuable advice about your project.

This is from our visit to Squidfire one year:

And our Letterpress demo with Kyle Van Horn:

And we'll have class visits including a workshop on branding with MIKE WEIKERT. Let's get started!

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