The Lab Philosophy

Artists are emerging as authors and entrepreneurs in a variety of new markets and media. Methods such as print-on-demand book, the wave of self-publication, prototyping, high-end output devices and laser-cutters intersect with new creative directions. Bodyware imagery, instructional and socially inspired projects, web-based critique, archives, games, animation, and literary works are a few of the directions being taken to create content and express ideas.



Tuesday, September 29


Our guest today was Jaime Zollars who talked to the class about online marketing, DIY festivals/events, resources for making prints, shirts and card and much, much more. Jaime brought in a collection of shirts, wrapping paper, cards, and prints. She shared her enormous wealth of information and offered to answer more questions if you contact her. Her hand-outs are keepers. If you missed this class, pls see me to photocopy my set of her hand-outs. And to read more about Jaime, go to this interview in Communication Arts.

I also did a quick demo on the button-maker. An 8.5x11" Adobe Illustrator file is available with a copy line for your name and copyright info on it. It's easy to do. You can use the 1" button-maker in the IL Office. Check with friends and classmates to see if someone wants to split the cost of supplies and save money. You can buy supplies at Button Biz or American Button Machines.

HOMEWORK : Everyone should have had their negatives done for this week but most of you didn't. IMPORTANT : Please get you negatives done and drop them off to Erin in the IL Office BEFORE Friday Oct 2. Kyle needs to burn the polymer plates ahead of time so we can all print next Tuesday. Bring to class next week, materials to test out your letterpress demo on. Keep working on your project!! Also bring in work-in-progress for the afternoon review.


  1. Because I'm submitting my artwork to AG today, I probably won't be picking it up until Friday (assuming they work that quickly), so I can't drop the plate off BEFORE. Just giving you the heads up!


  2. really whitney, papyrus?

    for shame. :)
