The Lab Philosophy

Artists are emerging as authors and entrepreneurs in a variety of new markets and media. Methods such as print-on-demand book, the wave of self-publication, prototyping, high-end output devices and laser-cutters intersect with new creative directions. Bodyware imagery, instructional and socially inspired projects, web-based critique, archives, games, animation, and literary works are a few of the directions being taken to create content and express ideas.



Monday, August 30

WEEK 1 - Fall 2010

Welcome to The Lab
Please make sure to follow this blog as it outlines your classwork homework assignments each week.
Feel free to look through the Archive to see projects done by students last year.
Check out the links. More will be added throughout the semester.

What we will cover in the first class:
Informal presentation session; Evaluation and group discussion of your semester ideas.

HOMEWORK : Formalize proposal; Create your Working Journal; Research More Collective; Bring in t-shirt to be screened; Complete your Technical Skills survey